Mr. Nam Loc Nguyen is a very well known figure with a prestigious fame in various activities in the mainstream as well as in the Vietnamese communities worldwide. His main function is Director of Immigration and Refugee Department of Catholic Charities, of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles; this has been his ardent job for the past three decades with zealous and enormous achievements.

Mr. Nam Loc Nguyen has travelled to numerous refugee camps in the world and has helped resettled hundreds of thousands refugees as well as helping hundreds of thousands family members reunited in the USA. He always fights for justice, promotes immigration laws in defending immigrants and refugees interests, thereafter Mr. Nam Loc Nguyen has received recognition and awards from: California Governors Pete Wilson & Gray Davis, California Senate Resolution #341, Senators Nell Soto, Joe Dunn & John Seymour, Congressman Howard L. Berman & David Dreier, Los Angeles Mayor  Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Cardinal Roger M. Mahony, Asian Pacific Family Center, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Services, County of Los Angeles, City of Westminster, V.A.N.G., Vietnamese American Heritage Foundation, Los Angeles as well as Orange County Board of Supervisors... (more information about Nam Loc)
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